Friday, August 31, 2012


I have created this blog for my Digital Writing class at Newhouse. As Public Relations students we ought to use and master digital platforms.

As a brief reminder, I am French and I did my undergraduate degree in media and communication studies at the university Pantheon-Assas in Paris. I did an internship in Paris in a PR agency specialized in the fashion industry. Although it is not anymore a sector I am interested in, it was my first steps among the PR world.  I came to Newhouse school to get a Master's degree in Public Relations and gain experience in this sector in another country than mine.

Public Relations is not a sector as developed in France as it is in the United States. That’s one of the main reasons that decided me to get a degree in this country. I also wanted to get an international experience, as I would like to work abroad or for an international company. As for now, my career goals are to work either in the entertainment industry or the arts. More specifically I am interested in working for a cultural focused organization. However, my choice of career is also oriented by my desire to practice in the U.S. As I would like to start my career in this country, I think I have to find an area that being French is an asset. As for now, the luxury industry, a diplomatic or a public affair position for an international organization, seem to be the best option. Although it is not right now the areas I am focusing on, I want to explore them through internships. I am also thinking of eventually going back to Europe to work either in London or Paris in one these sectors.

My career goals are therefore not set in stone yet, although I know which areas I am most interested in.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing more about yourself. I'm sure you'll figure out the right career path in time. Good luck, and keep up the good work.
